Contact Us

Reach us for inquiries or support. We’re here to assist you

    Our Offices


    Blk 126, Toa Payoh Lor 1, #01-555 S(310126)


    Grace / Kayy
    9027 3880 (office hours only)

    Grace Chong Wei Wen (R1215204) Edwina Lim Kheng Geok (R1326224)


    1. Toa Payoh MRT (Exit A, take Bus 232 / 235 at Bus interchange above MRT. Stop at Blk 121 (after Green color Town council)
    2. Braddell MRT (Exit B. Facing Blk 116, walk towards Emmi Cakes and look for a Blue shelter walkway. Follow it and walk past Blk 117, 118, 119 & 124 (up the slope). At Blk 126 (it’s a L Shape block), walk past letter box and look for green signboard beside Chinese Barber
    3. Caldecott MRT (Exit A, cross the road take Bus 141 (1 stop) or at Exit A walk towards Toa Payoh Lor 1 market, est. 20 mins)


    Look for Toa Payoh/ Bishan Town Council (Green / Blue Color) building, turn into car park, immediately slight left to big open air car park behind town council. Look for a shop with Green signboard


    1. Monday to Friday : 10am to 7:00pm (Last appt. 6.30 pm)
    2. Saturday: 10:00am to 4:00pm (last appt. 3.30 pm)
    3. Sunday & Public Holiday : Closed